Tutorial � B&B, Rolls, emotion

Greg Detre


emotion = state elicited by a reinforcer

motivation = state that signifies how much you�re prepared to work for a reinforcer


emotional states have motivational properties � they share the same reward system


reinforcement association learning � amygdala + OFC

OFC � involved in rapidly relearnign those


subjective feeling/states � map on to certain brain areas

e.g. sweet/sour etc. � produce a taste space (subjective)

multidimensional scaling

if try the same thing with neurons and tastes, neuronal space maps on to subjective space

pleasantness <=> 2 taste cortex

intensity �/span> 1 taste cortex

this must be the case for consciousness to be adaptive, i.e. for its representation to be accurate + helpful

linear relationship


everything we are conscious of, is through language


HOLT = sufficient (i.e. transferable to a computer)

he thinks it�s actually necessary

not actually the simplest thing that�s sufficient


what about emotions that don't fit on the grid

not meant to be orthogonal

only about reinforcement contingencies


emotions <= change in reinforcement contingencies


e.g. loyalty � accepted rule that adhere to a group/individual

if break that, = potential punishers (breaking arm commitment, group might punish you)


2 types of altruism: kin + reciprocal

that�s not true � mutualism, and at least one other!???

(empathic joy + -ve state relief)


embarrassment � exposed socially, -ve reinforcer

(e.g. faux pas) � usually work to avoid them

don't know why difference between shame + embarrassment � contagion

messy + cognitive


lesions of OFC + amygdala � don't care about consequences of action

e.g. car crash victim spends money on sports car

flat of affect

aware but don't care about pain

pain is an emotion � elicited by 1 reinforcer (Jeffrey Gray)


[1 reinforcer states = senseations rather than emotions?]


if the reward is relevant to an internal drive, e.g. taste, then emotion

but pain comes from external stimulus


pleasure? = reward???

subjective state elicited by a reward


scratch itch till pain, because the rubbing helps


pleasure from pain � abnormal conditioning

running self into ground � opiate release

very few trials with opiate receptor blocks

Morn � naloxone runners didn't abolish the high


value of emotion = flexibility of instrumental behaviour

any animal that can show arbitrary instrumental behaviour could be said to have emotion

arbitrary �/span> bidirectionality (lift the foot sometimes, other cases put the foot down � not a reflex)

emotions evolved because genes are trying to control behaviour by specifying goals

difference in emotion theory tewen functionalist and phenomenal aspects


Tinbergen � herring gulls

peck orange spot on parent beak to get food

regurgitated � programmed in hardwired responses


qualia � once you have HOT, it would feel like something to be that machine

would be imparsimonious to have a machine which can think about a raw feels goal (which then doesn't feel like anything to the machine)

no function for qualia per se


what�s so special about sodium channels?


stronghorn � summaries uncritical of all the theories


neurotoxic lesions of the amygdala

not destory the fibres of passage

Malhoven et al 1997 � Behav + Brain Sciences 2000 (Rolls)

Zev � subtlety of emotion

LeDoux � processing speed argument doesn't hold

30ms cortical processing, small fraction of 300ms action

Rolls vs Freud


naturalistic fallacy = what is natural is necessarily right

Matt Ridley, The Red Queen, Origins of Virtue


HOLTs require NNs